One of my other goals for this year (besides finishing the book) is to raise $12,500 for the book launch early next year. That money would go to things like creating the website, printing limited edition copies of the book and covering the costs of a premiere party.
Winning would bring me closer to my dream... but of course you can't win if you don't enter.
So what's holding me back from entering?
First, I'm slow. I'm the tortoise. I always get there, but can I get there by Tuesday????? My two page outline is currently at 5-1/2 pages and I've only covered six out of twenty chapters. Yikes! Plus, I have to write a missing but very important chapter!
Second, I'm sick. I came down with shingles from stress at work. The company I work for just came out of Chapter 11 reorganization and it seems like every week there's another round of layoffs.
Third, I have other pressing obligations. I have an important assignment at work so I can't possibly call in sick tomorrow. Also, my son's financial aid forms for his college financial aid are also due March 1st -- which means I have to finish my taxes by then too. Good grief!
Do you think I can finish -- on time?
I didn't have time this week to snap a picture for you, so I decided to use this one. When I first started writing this post I didn't know how the picture would figure in. I took it a few days ago. Over the holiday weekend, I noticed a hummingbird darting back and forth between our porch and wherever it is hummingbirds come from. She seemed very interested in my potted Norfolk pine. When I got up close I realized why -- she was building a nest in it! How lucky is that??!!
Do you think she will come back and finish it?